by m(art)a studios

By m(art)a studios was founded in September 2023 in Milan, marking Marta Sbaragli´s graduation and her need to carve out a space for her artistic expression.

The essence of the brand reflects the designer´s own identity and speaks to a broader audience united by a love for art and self-expression. With an emphasis on volumes and innovative textures, by m(art)a studios aims to reinterpret timeless silhouettes and enhance the female figure. The creative process behind our designs begins with the selection of high-quality materials, intertwining with the exploration of shapes, spaces and the human body, all driven by Marta´s desire to experiment and share her point of view.




Events at Rome Fashion Path

Image not present
17 May 2024 | 16:30-22:00
Glami Inside Fashion - Showcase
Friday, May 17 BY M(ART)A STUDIOS will take part at GLAMI´s showcase event, presenting together with many other designers some of their most representative pieces.
by m(art)a studios - Brand
Friday, May 17 BY M(ART)A STUDIOS will take part at GLAMI´s showcase event, presenting together with many other designers some of their most representative pieces.
Spazio Sferocromia
Via Ippolito Pindemonte, 30b - Roma
Open event - creator
17 May 2024 | 16:30-22:00
Glami Inside Fashion Event
"The event that brings together all the creatives in the fashion industry."
Glami Inside Fashion -
"The event that brings together all the creatives in the fashion industry."
Spazio Sferocromia
Via Ippolito Pindemonte, 30b - Roma
Open event - showcase
17 May 2024 | 18:00-21:00
From styling to photography
At SPAZIO SFEROCROMIA location, you will have the opportunity to attend a real photo shoot made by stylist Federica Lo Cascio and photographer Chiara Tancredi.
Federica Lo Cascio - Stylist
At SPAZIO SFEROCROMIA location, you will have the opportunity to attend a real photo shoot made by stylist Federica Lo Cascio and photographer Chiara Tancredi.
Spazio Sferocromia
Via Ippolito Pindemonte, 30b - Roma
Open event - tracker
17 May 2024 | 18:00-21:00
Immortalizing the styling: inside the shooting
Inside SPAZIO SFEROCROMIA's location, you will have the opportunity to see how a shooting is created by the stylist Eleonora Cavilli and the photographer Martina Mariani.
Eleonora Cavilli - Stylist
Inside SPAZIO SFEROCROMIA's location, you will have the opportunity to see how a shooting is created by the stylist Eleonora Cavilli and the photographer Martina Mariani.
Spazio Sferocromia
Via Ippolito Pindemonte, 30b - Roma
Open event - tracker
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