Concept | Rome Fashion Path

Rome Fashion Path, RFP for its friends, is an annual event, spread throughout the city of Rome and totally dedicated to fashion and trends, whose goal is to offer the public an overview of the proposals usable in the Capital, through events in boutiques, flagship stores, fashion schools and all spaces that want to welcome fashion, designers’ ateliers and completely free fashion paths organized specifically for the event.

RFP is an extraordinary opportunity to give visibility to the fashion industry and new emerging talents, a totally free event for the consuming public. An event that celebrates Italian taste that is ready to welcome anyone who wants to discover the latest in fashion.

A varied and well-established program, an opportunity to put Rome at the center of the contemporary style scene, capable of emerging on a par with other major European capitals, involving with events and multiple activities the city center and suburbs, incorporating as many realities as possible and permeating the spirit and soul of the city.

Boutiques, Stores, Flagship stores, Fashion Schools, Showrooms and Institutional or Independent Fashion Spaces open their doors proposing collections, events, talks, meetings, performances, insights and extraordinary openings.

Designers, Brands, Tailors and Laboratories organize ateliers to welcome enthusiasts and professionals to their work space and open new perspectives of knowledge of their stylistic research.

Influencers, Bloggers, Stylists and Personal shoppers offer guides and personalized or thematic paths to direct the public to contemporary trends.

Hotel establishments will be included to foster the economic and qualitative growth of the hospitality sector. They will be given the opportunity to promote their facilities by hosting events, creating hospitality campaigns under the FFP name or simply through the RFP website, associating their image with the world of fashion.

The platform is the carrier tool of the initiative, both during and after the event.

For participants, the site allows them to create and manage in complete autonomy, their personal file , which includes biographical information, business details, images and contacts, as well as their own calendar of proposed RFP events.

To the public, the site provides: the map, calendar and fact sheets of all events with details and useful information; the fact sheets of all participants divided by sections (Showcase, Creator and Tracker).

Each section will remain visible and searchable forever, even after the conclusion of the event, providing the public with an important means of contact with those who create and promote fashion in Rome, either through the website or by directly creating events.



They are the showcases of fashion in Rome, that is, those who promote or sell the creations of others or who train new talent and who have a physical space in Rome, Boutiques, Stores, Flagship stores, Fashion Schools, Showrooms and Institutional or independent spaces



They are the fashion creators, that is, those who design and produce their garments even if they do not operate in the Capital but may have an exhibition space, albeit temporary, in Rome, Designers, Brands, Tailors and Laboratories



They are the fashion compasses, i.e., those who intuit trends, guide the public in making choices, and who are familiar with fashion in Rome, Influencers, Bloggers, Stylists and Personal shoppers.

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