Plumilla from Rome: being a stylist is a real necessity

When Fashion is the true pulsating expression of ourselves. Creativity and elegance, experience and style. Expression of uniqueness. It will be possible to discover the looks of the Capsule Collection in a multifunctional artistic space. Bubbles in hand.

The choice to pursue a career as a stylist for Alessandra Selvi took place in 2015 together with a friend with her feet in the crystal clear water of Menorca, hence the name of Plumilla which in Spanish means small feather. The designs of her creations are the expression of a concept of a hyper-feminine but modern and contemporary woman who, while seeking her own space and HER IDENTITY in the professional field, claims and continually tries to express her nature as a woman. This is the mood which is the design basis of the PLUMILLA collections in which refined fabrics and vaguely retro shapes evoke glamorous sensations.

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