''Implacabile'' fashion performance

The ''PS. Pierluigi Santoro'' on the occasion of the presentation of the book on Alda Merini ''I was born on the 21st of spring'', written and edited by the maestro Giuliano Grittini, will present an unexpected fashi

''PS. Pierluigi Santoro'' loves art in all its forms, he creates concepts between music, dance, painting, poetry, and much more... thus transferring every inspiration captured onto fashion creations, managing to arouse emotions.


The brand was called to take part in the presentation of this wonderful book that talks about a great WOMAN, Alda Merini, written and edited by the maestro Giuliano Grittini.


In line with the concept of the ''IMPLACABLE'' collection presented by the designer in preview for ''Rome Fashion Path'', the fascinating location ''TH Roma Carpegna palace'' under the direction of ''Art manager Michele Crocitto'' , will host and present these two artists to give art lovers a unique and unforgettable moment, which will remain indelible and which will allow them to breathe values ​​such as: sharing, passion, esteem and respect.

Creators participants in the event

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