Salma Eltoukhy

Salma Eltoukhy, Model and Miss Egypt 2023-2024, is also Director of Cultural Promotion at Miss Universe and Cultural Ambassador. Founder of the association l'Obelisco, she is committed to creating a bridge between Italy and Egypt through art and fashion exhibitions and events. She actively collaborates with MAB University (Art, Fashion and Wellness) as Head of Relations with the Middle East. Currently, she is looking for designers whose garments are inspired by Egyptian or Arab civilisation to collaborate on projects and events, in order to exhibit them in museums around the world


Events at Rome Fashion Path

19 May 2024 | 10:00-20:00
From Egypt to Rome
The Rome Fashion Path shines brightly with a dress inspired by the Egyptian sun deity, a part of the "Reviving Heritage & Empowering Women" initiative by L’OBELISCO.
Salma Eltoukhy - Influencer
The Rome Fashion Path shines brightly with a dress inspired by the Egyptian sun deity, a part of the "Reviving Heritage & Empowering Women" initiative by L’OBELISCO.
Associazione culturale L’Obelisco
Salita del Bosco Parrasio - Roma
Open event - tracker
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