Andrea D’Antuono

Andrea D'Antuono was born in Rome in 1987. In 2010 he graduated in Linguistic and Cultural Mediation at La Sapienza University of Rome. Knowledge of several languages foreign allows him to approach the luxury hotel sector. She has always had a strong passion for shopping and fashion. In 2017 he began collaborating with various agencies that deal with the organization of shopping tours for foreigners tailor-made according to their needs. In recent years he has followed specific training courses which allow him to also specialize in image consultancy, aimed at both women and men. He currently collaborates for various fashion brands such as Falconeri, Cartier etc... and is a teacher of the Image Consulting course at the REA Academy in Rome.


Events at Rome Fashion Path

14 May 2024 | 17:00-20:30
Color analysis in "Salotto"
Come visiting us in "SALOTTO" discovering the most flattering colors and creating impeccable outfits tailor-made for YOU!
Il Salotto di Lulù - Showroom
Come visiting us in "SALOTTO" discovering the most flattering colors and creating impeccable outfits tailor-made for YOU!
Il salotto di Lulù
Via Flaminia, 508 - Roma
Open event - showcase
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