Angelica Mattogno

Sono Angelica Mattogno, Fashion Stylist, Organizzatrice di eventi e, all' occasione, Fashion Designer; quando non trovo qualcosa di adatto per realizzare gli Styling, lo creo da me. 
Ho sempre amato fare abbinamenti e mischiare tra loro stili e capi diversi, anche tra i più particolari. 

Events at Rome Fashion Path

17 May 2024 | 16:30-22:00
Glami Inside Fashion Event
"The event that brings together all the creatives in the fashion industry."
Glami Inside Fashion -
"The event that brings together all the creatives in the fashion industry."
Spazio Sferocromia
Via Ippolito Pindemonte, 30b - Roma
Open event - showcase
17 May 2024 | 18:00-21:00
From styling to photography
At SPAZIO SFEROCROMIA location, you will have the opportunity to attend a real photo shoot made by stylist Federica Lo Cascio and photographer Chiara Tancredi.
Federica Lo Cascio - Stylist
At SPAZIO SFEROCROMIA location, you will have the opportunity to attend a real photo shoot made by stylist Federica Lo Cascio and photographer Chiara Tancredi.
Spazio Sferocromia
Via Ippolito Pindemonte, 30b - Roma
Open event - tracker
17 May 2024 | 18:00-21:00
Immortalizing the styling: inside the shooting
Inside SPAZIO SFEROCROMIA's location, you will have the opportunity to see how a shooting is created by the stylist Eleonora Cavilli and the photographer Martina Mariani.
Eleonora Cavilli - Stylist
Inside SPAZIO SFEROCROMIA's location, you will have the opportunity to see how a shooting is created by the stylist Eleonora Cavilli and the photographer Martina Mariani.
Spazio Sferocromia
Via Ippolito Pindemonte, 30b - Roma
Open event - tracker
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